AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification

August 20, 2022

Hey, I'll be taking the exam tomorrow; in any case, here are the resources that helped me prepare.

You'll have more structure now.

Material🏗️ FREE PAIED
Pluralsight Course ✔️
AWS Technical Essentials ✔️
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Course ✔️
Andrew Brown Course, Youtube ✔️
Stephane Full Course, Udemy ✔️
Stephane 390Practice Tests on Udemy ✔️
Digital Cloud Resources ✔️ ✔️
500 Practice Tests on Udemy ✔️
Rishab Notes ✔️

Best regards,

Hey again, unlike Microsoft, AWS takes time to generate the score report.

But yeah, congratulations. Passed! 🚀☝️

Are you preparing for AWS Developer Exam?

Check the post! 🖱️

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Written by Yahya Abulhaj who lives in the cloud and loves to add values to his fellow human beings. You should connect with them on LinkedIn!

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